When you don't blog for a while a lot happens that isn't blogged about.....
Weird how that works eh?
These are just a few random pictures of our daily lives that may or may not entertain.
I can say that things have been busy lately. I'm starting to go into full nesting mode, with bouts of exhaustion here and there. I have some bad pregnancy insomnia which has led to some unproductive behavior (such as falling into a stuppor after work and watching too much "Ramsey's kitchen nightmares"...that guy is such an a**, but I can't stop watching him). I have been working on my baking skills 'cause guys like girls with skills...like baking skills and laundry skills and juggling knives skills...and it has been awesome. I got a great recipe for bread from Jakes mom and have made the best homemade cinnamon rolls EVER. Perhaps I need to work on my humble skills...hmmmm. Jake loves them anyway. I've also been making snickerdoodles, and oatmeal raisin cookies, and challah of course. I'm pretty sure this is a Jewish household. Pretty sure.

Don't they look AWESOME! Pilsbury's got nothing on me, or rather, Jake's mom (it is her recipe).

Isaac is a very stylish young man. Since we now live in Heber it's only appropriate that he has a hunter orange vest. No young man in Heber should be without a hunter orange vest. Thank you Old Navy.

We have been heating our house with firewood, which I recommend if you can do it. Our gas bill last year was astronomical. I'm talking $400 big ones a month. Blah. So last summer we spent some of our weekends sawing down dead trees, loading them into the truck and trailer and hauling them down from the Uintas. We figured that five cords of wood would get us through the winter, so we sold a few of the cords. Unfortunately, we ran out of wood about mid-december. Our gas bill went from 70 bucks to almost 200 and our electric bill jumped just as much! Luckily we got some wood from Jake's brother and hopefully that will get us through the rest of the winter. Bills aren't the only reason to use wood up here in old H-town. It's just cool to stoke the fire, play checkers with Isaac in front of it, and get dressed in the morning next to it. Honestly, who doesn't like fire.

When we were up in Montana this last time we bought Isaac a RED RIDER BB GUN. If you haven't seen
A Christmas Story you can stop reading right now. Jake had never seen that movie and I was shocked. I thought everyone saw that movie.
I didn't even know they still had those guns, so it was an impulse buy for sure and honestly we got it as much for me as for Isaac. I've always wanted a BB gun and a really fast remote control truck. Don't ask me why, just childhood longings. The gun rocks! Isaac climbs up his tree house and shoots targets from there. Awesome. On a side note- Aunt Suzanne and Kristy I can't see your blogs for some reason. Do you know why that might be?